From the 25th to the 28th of September, the senior learners of the NSA’s Art Department will showcase their impressive work in the highly anticipated annual Senior Retrospective Art Exhibition, which takes place in the gallery spaces of the Art Department.
Featuring work from the NSA’s grade 10, 11 and 12 artists, the exhibition promises to be a remarkable reflection of the talent to which the NSA is home while providing a window to the range of exceptional work produced by the art department.
The colour, texture, design, detail, subject matter, and critical ingredients of passion and commitment combine to give the work the edge of distinction that one has come to expect from a school of specialisation like the NSA. The depth of the creative palette is expressed in various styles and genres, with both 2D and 3D design having a strong presence.
For the Grade 12 learners, the final exams are a few weeks away, and reflection, revision, and retrospection are the order of the day as they reach the end of their school careers. It is an exciting, if not daunting, task to account for your work in a retrospective exhibition. The curation of the individual displays and the actual artworks are exam deliverables.
Over and above the marks, the exhibition also allows the learners to share their work with a public audience, receive feedback and connect to the community of practising artists.
The NSA looks forward to celebrating our art department and watching our artists step boldly into their futures.
The Art Department invites viewers to visit the exhibition daily between 08:30 and 16:00.